Spinal Cord Stimulation Specialist

If you live with chronic pain from a past surgery, past injury, or chronic condition, spinal cord stimulation may improve your sleep and overall quality of life if other treatments have failed. Board-certified interventional pain management specialist Cyril Philip, MD, treats various pain conditions with spinal cord stimulation at Midwest Sports and Interventional Spine in Kenosha and Franklin, Wisconsin. To find out if a spinal cord stimulator could benefit you, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Spinal Cord Stimulation Q & A

What is spinal cord stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation is a treatment involving an implanted device called a spinal cord stimulator. At Midwest Sports and Interventional Spine, Dr. Philip surgically implants the device after a temporary trial period.

The device includes two electrodes, or thin wires, that reach into your spine and send electric currents directly into your spinal cord to affect pain signals. The electrodes are attached to a battery pack called a generator, and you get a remote control to send the electric currents whenever you get pain or other nerve symptoms.

Each time you activate your spinal cord stimulator, the device stops pain signals from reaching your brain so you don’t consciously feel them. This treatment has wide implications for various types of chronic pain, which can impact your ability to work, sleep, and enjoy yourself.

What can spinal cord stimulation treat?

Spinal cord stimulation can treat various types of chronic or long-term pain that don’t respond to more conservative care, such as physical therapy or medications. Even if you’ve had surgery in the past and didn’t experience relief, a spinal cord stimulator may make sense as the next step in your care.

At Midwest Sports and Interventional Spine, Dr. Philip may recommend a spinal cord stimulator as a key part of your treatment for:

  • Failed back surgery syndrome

  • Post-surgical pain

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Diabetic neuropathy

  • Peripheral vascular disease

  • Complex regional pain syndrome

  • Arachnoiditis

Dr. Philip may perform imaging tests and other in-depth diagnostic procedures to learn more about where your pain originates.

How will a spinal cord stimulator change my routine?

There are various types of spinal cord stimulators, each needing their own maintenance. Some are rechargeable without surgery, while others require battery replacements that must happen with minor surgery. Dr. Philip teaches you about your specific device and what you’ll need to do to make sure it’s working.

With a spinal cord stimulator, you’ll need to:

  • Let other physicians know you have it, especially before imaging scans

  • Carry a spinal cord stimulator identification card

  • Show your identification card to airport security

  • Power off the device while driving or operating machinery

  • Keep up on charging the device or replacing the battery

It’s safe to swim with your permanent device, but you should be sure not to get the trial spinal cord stimulator wet. Therefore, you should avoid bathing and showering during the short trial period.

Spinal cord stimulation can make a major positive difference in chronic pain for many people living with it. To schedule a consultation, call Midwest Sports and Interventional Spine or book online today.